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FIFTY to One (50:1) (473ml)

FIFTY to One (50:1) (473ml)

Regular price 5.310 ISK
Regular price Verð með afslætti 5.310 ISK
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iGroom 50:1 er náttúrulegt og sterkt sjampó sem fjarlægir óhreinindi og lykt. Formúlan inniheldur chamomile, sunflower- og chestnut extracts sem róa og næra bæði feld og húð.

Ráðlagt þynningarhlutfall er 50:1

Nógu milt til daglegrar notkunar

inniheldur andoxunarefni

Hentar fyrir allar baðvélar

Inniheldur hvorki súlföt, paraben eða þalöt

pH jafnvægi  

Ilmur af Capri of Island perfume frá iGroom

Ingredient List: Purified Water, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Lauryl Glucoside, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Glycerin, hydroxypropyl bis-hydroxyethyldimonium chloride, Chamomile extract, Sunflower extract, Chestnut extract, Aloe Vera, Phenoxyethanol, Ethylhexylglycerin, Fragrance, EDTA, Citric acid

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